I'M BACK (again)

difotoin sama temen mess. padahal baru bangun tidur siang. :)

This is my first post in almost a year since my last post in 2020. To be honest, I'm still writing in my journal, but I don't post it here. Why? the reason is because last year my blog became so mainstream. It used to be personal, then it seems like almost everyone knows my blog. Yeah, I know it was my fault.

In August 2020 I posted a job vacancy on my blog. The traffic was really good, and then I realized it. OH, GOD! Many of my friends at work know my personal story because of that "job vacancy" post.

It started in the pantry at the office. One of the managers from another department opened a conversation with me.

"Andi, is that your blog?"

"Which blog, Pak?" I asked confused.

"That's the one who posted the job vacancies. How come on your blog huh?”

I don't know how to answer the question. I just smiled and left him with a cup of coffee in my hand.

After that conversation, I decided to archive the “job vacancy" post and deactivated my blog for a month. I even change my blog name. Alhamdulillah, after that, the number of visitors to my blog decreased drastically from 50 visitors/day to almost 0 visitor/day for approximately 6 months. HAHA.

I was a bit surprised that the trick worked. I don't need to delete my blog, just rename it. VOILA! Everything's gone. Now, they can't even search my blog on google. HAHA. Therefore, from now on I will regularly post my writings on this blog.

Please wait! I have many stories to share with you all!  

PS: not to all. wkwk


“If you sound fire alarm, ‘sympathizers’ will respond; some with fire extinguishers, others with fire enablers. Don’t make personal problems public affair.” Vincent Okay Nwachukwu




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